Wednesday, October 18, 2006


From 3 October, 2006, Tuesday. That it could be this way, if only through accident…which is to say, through the way the world works, in and of itself. Accident from our perspective—or letting things be, from the perspective of the world. After reworking Alicia, yet again. Madre.

Last night: davening Neilah; Hour of dusk—the prayer begins at 6:30, late late afternoon. The closing of the gates. Repeated songs, many times—then Avinu Malkenu…and a long, raspy shofar blast, to seal the new year. Tihat’mu, tihat’mu…

Be comforted, be comforted, my people... Cycle beginning with Tisha B’av, and the shabbos following--weeks of Ellul, leading into Rosh ha-Shannah and Yom Kippur…

Be comforted, my people...

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